Local installation of LocusFocus
LocusFocus may be cloned from the GitHub repository and run as a local webserver in Mac or Linux distributions.
The GTEx database, and 1000 Genomes PLINK files are optional. GTEx may be built using the initdb_GTExV7.py and initdb_GTExV8.py scripts. The script pushes GTEx eQTL summary statistics into a NoSQL MongoDB database.
The app has been tested in Linux and Mac environments. For Windows, you may use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to emulate a Linux environment. The app has been tested using the Ubuntu WSL system.
All required programs and packages are listed in a yml file and a conda spec file are also available for direct explicit installation of the exact conda virtual environment the app requires for a successful run.
To clone and install the required packages, simply run:
> git clone https://github.com/strug-hub/LocusFocus.git
> conda create --name <env> --file spec-file.txt
Next, to run the application locally, simply run the app.py script:
> python app.py
The above command will issue a web address to access the application locally. Simply type the address given in your browser.